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SCME SW PATCH 20190403

ПО и Патчи для Samsung Communication Manager Express

Модератор: TOPPEHTEP

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SCME SW PATCH 20190403

Сообщение Wi$e 23 апр 2019, 00:38

Патч обновления ОС для сервера IP платформы Samsung Communication Manager Express (SCMe) до версии 20190403.

New Version 6.5.0.x Changes:

1. [TE18C01V / - / KOREA] Selecting the Send CLI Number for each trunk route
- You can enter up to two 'Send CLI Number' per user and select the 'Send CLI Number' in trunk route.
- Set 'Send CLI Number I' and 'Send CLI Number II' in [CONFIGURATION > User > Single Phone User / Multi-Phone User].
- Set 'Select CLI Number/Name' in [CONFIGURATION > Trunk Routing > Route].

2. [TE186017 / - / KOREA] My single Click To Dial number translation improvement
- Increase the number of Number Prefix input per User Group. The number can be deleted or inserted for each Number Prefix.
- Set 'mySingle User Number Prefix type' in [CONFIGURATION > User Group > Change User Group > Options].
- [CONFIGURATION > User Group > Change User Group > My Single User Number Separator II] menu is added.

3. [-/-/KOREA] Added security phone interworking function
- Transmission function including XML Body in INFO message
Content-Type: application/secu_info+xml

4. [-/-/ KOREA] Anonymous URI Feature is improved.
- SCM provides an anonymous URI feature for outgoing call.
- “Privacy id Only” option can send a INVITE Message with Privacy header.
- Menu: [Trunk Routing > Route] – Number Transfer Tab – “Anonymous URI”
5. [-/-/KOREA] Added the function to set the SIP trace data storage period
- Menu: [Configuration>Miscellaneous>System Option] Maximum SIP Trace data Lifetime] (Default : 30)

6. [TE18B01N/-/KOREA] Modify the FMC Push notification settings to change automatically
- iOS : Enable, Android : Disable
- Menu : Configuration>Miscellaneous>System Option>Push Notification Automatic Setting(Default: Enable)

7. [-/-/SEAU] Add a priority field in the FMC PUSH Request message
- Fixed so that the priority is set to high when transmitting the PUSH Request message from Android FMC.

8. [TE191001/-/KOREA] Change the max_delay value calculation method in the profile (/DI/WEBCLI/sec_boot.xml)
- After the Samsung desktop-phone reboots the phone attempts to REG with a random value less than the max_delay value, by changing the max_delay value calculation method the Phone registration time is reduced.
 Old: Count of Single Phone User * 10 (ms)
 New: Count of Samsung-desktop-phone among Single Phone User * 10 (ms)

9. [-/-/KOREA] Intercom Conference terminate when the intercom conference member terminates
- [CONFIGURATION > Service> Group Service > Hunt Group>Intercom Member End Conf]

10. [-/-/KOREA] KBS Improved function when FMC member busy (Termination function when a callee is busy, dnd)
DND Processing Option:[CONFIGURATION > Service> Feature Service > Service Activation>Multi-ring >Multi-ring Callee DND Use] Set Enable (Default : Disable)
11. [-/-/KOREA] Change the announcement if the Multiring member is not registered (Ment Sync when external callee unregist)
Change the announcement “the call is not answer” -> “the call Number is not available” if IPT and FMC are unregist (No.1006->No.1025)
[CONFIGURATION > Service> Feature Service > Service Activation>Multi-ring >External Multi-ring Callee Unreg Ment Use] Set Enable (Default : Disable)

12. [-/-/KOREA] Allow Intercom Member Call Forwarding
- [CONFIGURATION > Service> User Service > Intercom >Allow Call Forward]

13. [-/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem of sending the initial register when the TLS is broken
- Modified to send Re-register when TLS is broken

14. [TE18702I/-/KOREA] 60 Members available for Meet-me Conf Using G/W Conf Server

15. [TE18C02T/-/KOREA] Added “iOS Push No Response(Sec)” timer option.
- In the case of iOS WE VoIp phones, the newly added timer is applied as shown below.
- Added “iOS Push No Response(Sec)” in the [CONFIGURATION > User Group > Change User Group > Timer] menu.
- Changed as follows for iOS WE Voip phones
[Before]: Internal Call No Answer Clear(Sec)
[After]: iOS Push No Response(Sec)
- It is the same as before in the case of Android WE VoIP phones
As before, the “Push No Response(Sec)” option applies to Android WE VoIP phones

16. [-/-/KOREA] Relocated the position of Random CLI option.
- The Random CLI option is relocated from Route menu to Priority Routing and Load Balance Routing menu.
[Before]: [CONFIGURATION > Trunk Routing > Route > Trunk Service > Random CLI Name]
[After]: [CONFIGURATION > Trunk Routing > Priority Routing > Random CLI] or [CONFIGURATION > Trunk Routing > Load Balance Routing > Random CLI]

17. [-/-/-] JAVA Certificate renewal (valid until 2022/02/22)

18. [TE18B01X/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem that ACD status information does not change during A/A, A/S Sync
- [Configuration > Application > ACD > ACD Agent] Wrap-Up State, Break State

19. [-/-/KOREA] Add Forward-All(Quick) Function
- After setting the Phone-Key-Programming to Forward All(Quick) If you press the set button You can enter Forward-All number immediately.


20. [TE191041/-/ AUSTRALIA] Fixed the problem that “Wait for Entry” time does not work.
- VM/AA > Extension Class > General > Wait for entry

21. [TE19102L/-/KOREA] Y2K38 Error
- Fixed the problem that DMB does not survive as 2038 is added when creating a user group in 2019.
- DMB block does not survive after creating Admin Wizard in 2019
- Standby Sync, A-A Sync is unavailable after creating Admin Wizard in 2019

22. [-/-/KOREA] Fixed: License Phone Type values not synched with selected Phone Type
- When selected Phone Type is Samsung-Desktop-Phone nor FMS-Phone, License Phone Type is automatically set as same one.

23. [TE19103F/-/KOREA] Timeout value of Location Based Routing and Access Code changed into 60 seconds from 2 seconds.

24. [-/-/KOREA] Fixed: cannot download the attached file in Notice Board if the file name contains Korean letters.

25. [TE18A01G/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem that call is made to the previous service group when Service Group is changed in Single Phone User
- [Configuration > User > Single Phone User] Service Group

26. [TE19203O/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem that occasionally, function code cannot be set on the terminal after A/S switchover.

27. [TE19205X/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem that registration time is updated occasionally in TLS terminal
- [Performance > Registration Status > Registration Status] Regi/Unreg Time

28. [TE192059/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem that DOD cannot be sent when the range of location index is set over 512
- [Configuration > Trunk Routing > Location Based routing] Location
- Before : 512, After: 1024

29. [TE187014/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue for a service group MCN.
- Fixed an issue that the number translation feature worked normally only for less than 20 lists in the MCN lists of a service group.

30. [TE18702L/-/UK] ] Fixed an issue related E.164 format for outbound calls
- Fixed an issue that didn’t send with the E.164 format on SIP messages for outbound calls if the E.164 option is enabled in the Route menu.

31. [TE187036/-/ AUSTRALIA] Fixed an issue that sent unnecessarily 302 Moved message for a call being forwarded to a hunt group.
- The system sent the 302 Moved message to a SIP carrier when an inbound call was forwarded to a hunt group. It was fixed not to send 302 Moved message.

32. [TE186003/-/ KOREA] Fixed an issue that video calls didn’t work
- Fixed an issue that sent the video calls for outbound calls didn’t work when MPS was enabled and received 183 Session Progress from a peer system.

33. [TE18900P/-/ KOREA] Fixed an issue that the “click to dial” feature fail
- It’s failed when a user of new user group makes a call using “Click to Dial” feature if system manager creates a new user group and configures 'MySingle User Number Prefix” same as existing user group’s one. This is because an extension number is searched only for existing user group. So it has been fixed to be searched for all user group using same 'MySingle User Number Prefix”

34. [-/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue that was failed when a multi ring member made an outbound call using call log of phones.
- It was failed when a multi ring member made an outbound call using call log of a phone. It’s because there wasn’t the trunk access code information on an INVITE message of previous the multi ring call. So it has been fixed to send the trunk access code information on INVITE messages for multi ring members.

35. [TE18801A/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue that the login/logoff feature through CTI server didn’t work.
- Fixed an issue that the login/logoff feature through CTI server didn’t work.

36. [TE18B015/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue that was sent READY event to a CTI server after ACD Call.
- Fixed an issue that a READY event was sent to a CTI server was when an ACD call was finished on an agent phone.

37. [TE18C02K/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue that a pick-up feature didn’t work.
- Fixed an issue that a user couldn’t pick up the call when a multi-ring call was forwarded because a master phone was on busy.

38. [TE192049/-/KOREA] Fixed an issue that an ACD call worked as like a SCM mode in a CTI mode.
- Fixed an issue that an ACD call worked as like a SCM mode in a CTI mode.

39. [TE19103C / - /KOREA] Improved license problem when configuring Meet-Me Conference in the Gateway Conference server.
- If you specify a Meet-Me Conference in the Gateway Conference, you can use all the Embedded Conference channels.

40. [TE192054/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem of not sending the representative number to the From field when the trunk is sent to the anonymous call
- If the route settings are as follows, send the representative number to header.
- [Trunk Routing>Route]-Additional SIP Tab – “SIP P-Asserted-ID Type : Secondary”
[Trunk Routing > Route] – Number Transfer Tab – “Anonymous URI : User URI”

41. [TE18801I/-/KOREA] Fixed [User Profile > Name] field update error during XML server interworking
- Fixed so that when interworking with the XML server, [User Profile > Name] field is updated up to 20 characters (40 bytes)

42. [TE18C01C/-/KOREA] Fixed the problem where hang-up occurs due to variable value initialization error of CDRB block

43. [-/-/SEA] Fix the problem that the SCM does not operate when the time zone is new York
Change it that the system can recognize it accurately even if you specify a time zone with a blank in the name like New York.

44. [TE18B020/-/KOREA] fixed a problem that the CTI interworking four-party conference cannot make a four-party conference again after a three-party conference

45. [TE192048/-/KOREA] fixed a problem that Unregistred BLF On doesn' work

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